The Night I Saw The Strange Shadow

It was in the winter of 2004. It was a very regular activity for me at that time to walk around the harbour at night. This night would be different as something happened that I cannot explain and will never forget .It was very frosty that night, the road was snow-covered and I could hear the cold snow crunching under my feet. The moon was shining very bright and I could see a fair distance. The moon shining over my shoulder was casting my shadow on the road in front of me.
Just after I passed the old Orange lodge I heard the snow crunching behind me. For a second or two I just thought it was someone catching up to me from behind. You can imagine my surprise when I turned around and no one was there. That surprise however, was nothing to the one I got when I turned around to start walking. The hair was already standing on my neck and cold shivers was going up my spine. To my surprise a very bright shadow was walking along beside mine. I quickly looked behind me again and no one was there. The shadow was still with me on the other side! As I walked on in disbelief it gradually got shorter and disappeared before I got to Ernie Crockers. I went on home and reported this event to Marge and my sister Elva. A short while later I got up nerve enough to go back again . Marge dropped me of in front of the UC Church. I got out and started walking. The conditions were exactly the same ..but no shadow appeared. Every time I walk along that spot I always think about it but the shadow have never returned.